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More than a digital library

Unlimited Access to an e-library of 25,000+ books, videos, educational games, interactive worksheets and more.

Strong literacy support

Access an extensive library of featuring thousands of classic novels, stories, modern literature and short stories, including early literacy materials in more than 60 languages.

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Discover a new language through language lessons, podcasts, stories, videos and much more. Podcasts and videos feature local speakers to aid pronunciation.

Learn Chinese – Basic Lesson 1

Chinese English
Jiă:  Nĭ hăo!

Yĭ :  Nĭ hăo!

Jiă:  Nĭ máng ma?

Yĭ :  Wŏ bù máng, nĭ ne?

Jiă:  Wŏ yĕ bù máng. Nĭ gēge máng ma?

Yĭ :  Tā hĕn máng. Wŏ dì di yĕ hĕn máng. Wŏ gēge, wŏ dì di dōu hĕn máng.

Jiă:  Tā men dōu máng. Tā men hăo ma?

Yĭ :  Tā men dōu hăo. Nĭ gēge yĕ hăo ma?

Jiă:  Tā hĕn hăo. Xiè xie.

A:  Hello!

B:  Hi!

A:  Are you busy?

B:  I’m not busy, and you?

A:  I’m not busy, either. Is your older brother busy?

B:  He is very busy. My younger brother is also very busy. My older brother and my younger brother are both very busy.

A:  They are very busy. Are they OK?

B:  They are both fine. Is your older brother also fine?

A:  He is very well, thank you.

Interactive Simulations

Interactive games, simulations and worksheets help reinforce concepts and lessons. Engage your students in new ways.

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“We get to see the books for next year as well so we can prepare for the future.”


Grade 6 Pupil

Zambian girl in classroom

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