Content Partners

Tusitawi includes material from the following creators and publishers, used under licence. Learning for Humanity is proud to partner with these companies to achieve our mission of providing access to quality educational materials to students and educators worldwide.

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phet logo
Fuse School
The Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing
CAS logo
California Academy of Sciences
Khan Academy logo
Khan Academy
CK12 Logo
CK-12 Foundation
Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work
Project WET Foundation
Eureka Math Logo
Eureka Math
Let’s Do Math
Math Circles
by the University of Waterloo Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing
STEM Curriculum for K-12

Other material available in Tusitawi is Creative Commons, public domain, or otherwise openly available for educational use. Learning for Humanity has every intention that all material included in Tusitawi is used in accordance with the license under which the creators of that material published or release it. We perform all necessary due diligence in regards to materials we provide through Tusitawi. If you know of material used in Tusitawi which is being used in a manner contrary to the wishes of its rightsholders, please contact us immediately at

In the event that we become aware of material which is being used on Tusitawi in a manner contrary to the wishes of its rightsholders, we will immediately determine and take the necessary steps to conform to any and all terms of use for that material. This may include removing the offending material, seeking a license for use of the material, attributing the material, or changing the way in which the material is accessed.